How often do you question if your business is resilient enough for the future?
When did you last analyse your Customer base to assess if you are attaining full value potential?
Does your organisation have an agile start-up mentality and culture to drive innovation?
The rapid pace of technology enablement and evolving customer demands are challenging businesses like never before. Newly digital organisational sectors and innovative Startups are constantly emerging and challenging the big names, leading the more traditional businesses to review and reimagine their current strategies in order to transform and thrive in the new competitive environment.
Time to Bee are highly skilled in strategy development and deployment. We are certified to apply the Strategyzer suite and combine that with extensive industry experience at executive level. Renowned globally, Strategyzer are creators of trusted corporate innovation strategy and training tools. Use of these enables us to visualise complex business issues simply and collaboratively.
Time to Bee ‘walk the talk’ when it comes to agility and can work across functions and industries.
Business Modelling
Whether you are in ideation phase or have an established business – undertaking business modelling will help identify opportunities for value creation, innovative propositions or organisational transformation.
Customer Value Propositions
Supporting you to better understand your customers and differentiate yourself from the competition through the design and development of impactful value propositions.
Business Testing
How many times have you experienced deployment issues when preparing for launch? Together we can systematically reduce the risk and uncertainty of new ideas, and design effective experiments to successfully launch your future business offerings.
Innovation capability
Developing Innovation capability as a key organisational muscle, ensuring successful value growth on a repeatable and scalable basis.
"Maria is in the truest sense a strong connector of people, business processes and an excellent business leader. Her ability to bring all functions and personalities to the table, connecting with real and imminent business needs and challenges, including those seen as too complex, is one of her core strengths. Maria makes strategy building and change management an exercise to be participated in by all - throughout hierarchy, throughout the organisation. She supports teams to build a truly joint and powerful strategic vision, to be shared - not a lofty document with vague promises, but a burning platform with SMART assumptions and goals. Finally, her most powerful ability is when things get hard and challenging, Maria always keeps teams motivated, the Board aligned - agile - but always with a keen eye on the mission at hand."
Joris Huijsmans
EVP – Chief Human Resources Officer at Carlsberg Group